Lizzie has girl scouts tonight and I had her take a shower early so it gets out of the way. She's been walking around talking to us (Matt is at work), and generally just being herself. She came in here to tell me about a shelter they had to make last week at Girl Scouts, and I finally asked her "Are you ever going to get dressed, or do you just like being naked?"
Lizzie then looked down at herself, screamed and said "OMG I DIDN'T REALIZE! EMI DON'T LOOK AT ME!"
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Monday, March 28, 2011
An Ode To Summer
Last week, summer was here. Temps in the high 80's, me dreaming of swimming pools, my air conditioner struggling to maintain a livable temp. This week has started off in direct competition to beat last week, by bringing in the cold again. I think some wires got crossed somewhere. In an ode to summer, I made Alice a "summer time bento". Of course, when she sees it, she's going to be angry and hate me for life, because it's babyish to have her sandwiches cut into shapes. Sigh... Someone save me from my own children. Please?
Sunday, March 27, 2011
I Feel So Accomplished!!!
What is it about a craft project (no matter how bad it looks...) that makes you feel like the most creative person in the world?

I bought tons of fabric to do more. This is just my first attempt. I have a darker turquoise, deep purple, champagne, light green... Hopefully they come out good. So far, Alice loves this one.
I bought tons of fabric to do more. This is just my first attempt. I have a darker turquoise, deep purple, champagne, light green... Hopefully they come out good. So far, Alice loves this one.
Friday, March 25, 2011
Oh Where Oh Where Has My Little Dog Gone
Do any of you have a dog that follows you EVERYWHERE? I'm constantly stepping on her too. I'm all "Ziva! Stop getting under my feet" and she looks up at me with her puppy dog eyes that say "But MOOOOOOM! I lubs you and want to go everywhere you do!" I could literally walk in circles and this dog would follow me, with a smile on her face and her tail wagging. (As I'm writing this, she's in her dog bed beside me, cleaning her nether regions.)
I swear to God, that as much as I step on her due to all of this, Thumbelina is going to come home and wonder where Ziva is. Alice is going to point to me and say "Fatass over there killed her with her big feet".
I swear to God, that as much as I step on her due to all of this, Thumbelina is going to come home and wonder where Ziva is. Alice is going to point to me and say "Fatass over there killed her with her big feet".
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Here is how a joke goes in our house*
"Knock Knock"
"Who's There?"
"Orange Banana Who?"
"NO MOMMY! you're supposed to say Banana who! You're ruining my joke!"
"Oh, I'm sorry. Banana who?"
"Knock Knock"
"Who's There?"
"Banana who?"
"Knock Knock"
"Who's There?"
"Banana who?"
"Knock Knock"
"Who's There?"
"Banana who?"
"Knock Knock"
"Who's There?"
"Banana who?"
"Knock Knock"
"Who's There?"
"Banana who?"
"Knock Knock"
"Is this ever going to end?"
*sigh* "Just say who's there mommy!"
"OK, for the LAST TIME, Who is there?"
"Orange who?!"
"Orange you glad I didn't say Banana? Hahahahahahaha! Wasn't that funny mommy!!!!"
Rinse and repeat. Over and over and over and over....
*Shared with my mommy board, and realized it was an awesome glimpse into my fabulous life.
"Who's There?"
"Orange Banana Who?"
"NO MOMMY! you're supposed to say Banana who! You're ruining my joke!"
"Oh, I'm sorry. Banana who?"
"Knock Knock"
"Who's There?"
"Banana who?"
"Knock Knock"
"Who's There?"
"Banana who?"
"Knock Knock"
"Who's There?"
"Banana who?"
"Knock Knock"
"Who's There?"
"Banana who?"
"Knock Knock"
"Who's There?"
"Banana who?"
"Knock Knock"
"Is this ever going to end?"
*sigh* "Just say who's there mommy!"
"OK, for the LAST TIME, Who is there?"
"Orange who?!"
"Orange you glad I didn't say Banana? Hahahahahahaha! Wasn't that funny mommy!!!!"
Rinse and repeat. Over and over and over and over....
*Shared with my mommy board, and realized it was an awesome glimpse into my fabulous life.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
I Need Some Recognition
You don't get that as a mom though. You have to say "hey, pat me on the back! Look, see? See what I did? Totally awesome right?!" Then the person looks at you like you are a crazy person, saying "sure, sure. Yeah, that's totally great" while slowly backing away, fear in their eyes.
So, I come here. So strangers and friends alike can look and go "this woman has too much time on her hands. Wait, is that a cupcake?!"

That would be baby carrots, green grapes, strawberries, mango, PB&J on wheat, and the cupcakes I made last night. Chocolate and cream cheese. Homemade cupcakes. The reason dinner was 2 hours late. I needed chocolate to stay sane.
So, I come here. So strangers and friends alike can look and go "this woman has too much time on her hands. Wait, is that a cupcake?!"
That would be baby carrots, green grapes, strawberries, mango, PB&J on wheat, and the cupcakes I made last night. Chocolate and cream cheese. Homemade cupcakes. The reason dinner was 2 hours late. I needed chocolate to stay sane.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
How Does A Parent Respond?
Matt and I were talking about sin, and something I read about the believe surrounding Mary being born without sin as well, leading to an immaculate conception. (We like to debate)
Alice looked up and said "What would be a sin?" Thumbelina, while walking down the hallway responds "It's like bad stuff like you." Not a hint of malice, just her honest opinion.
Alice looked up and said "What would be a sin?" Thumbelina, while walking down the hallway responds "It's like bad stuff like you." Not a hint of malice, just her honest opinion.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Happy St. Patricks Day!!!
Are you wearing green? Damn it. I really wanted to pinch someone. My kids have gotten smart and now wear green to bed on the 16th. My husband too. *sigh*... They take away all my fun! So, here is Alice's St. Patty's Day Lunch!
Leprechauns cut from my tiny gingerbread man cutters:

Gold Coins under the rainbow(bread). Cut with the corer of my apple cutter. This was actually Alice's request:

And the finale. PB&J on rainbow bread, green grapes, green apples, cucumber leprechauns, gold cheese coins, and key lime yogurt:
Leprechauns cut from my tiny gingerbread man cutters:
Gold Coins under the rainbow(bread). Cut with the corer of my apple cutter. This was actually Alice's request:
And the finale. PB&J on rainbow bread, green grapes, green apples, cucumber leprechauns, gold cheese coins, and key lime yogurt:
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Totally Far Out Man!
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
I'm Forever Safe From Freddy Krueger
Have Kids?
Never sleep again.
It's that simple.
*sigh* Alice got sick Saturday morning. Or was it Friday morning? Hell, all I know is that by Saturday night she was throwing up. She was complaining to me on Friday morning before school that her stomach hurt. I chalked it up to gas and gave her some medicine. She went to school and was fine. Even went to sleepover at a friends house that night. Though, she came home before 9 the next morning complaining she was in pain again. However, one dose of pepto, and she was back to herself again. We even went shopping. Then it all went to hell in a handbasket about the time we were supposed to meet my father for dinner.
By Sunday afternoon, she was back to normal again. Even begged her dad to take her to the store with him. (Which meant I had to go too, just in case. Damn it)
Now Thumbelina is sick. And I'm so exhausted that I can barely function.
Never sleep again.
It's that simple.
*sigh* Alice got sick Saturday morning. Or was it Friday morning? Hell, all I know is that by Saturday night she was throwing up. She was complaining to me on Friday morning before school that her stomach hurt. I chalked it up to gas and gave her some medicine. She went to school and was fine. Even went to sleepover at a friends house that night. Though, she came home before 9 the next morning complaining she was in pain again. However, one dose of pepto, and she was back to herself again. We even went shopping. Then it all went to hell in a handbasket about the time we were supposed to meet my father for dinner.
By Sunday afternoon, she was back to normal again. Even begged her dad to take her to the store with him. (Which meant I had to go too, just in case. Damn it)
Now Thumbelina is sick. And I'm so exhausted that I can barely function.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
This Is The Reason Mommy Has Stuffed Animals
I'm almost 30 (395 days) and I love stuffed animals. I keep it in check though. I currently only have 3. Brownie Bear (small stuffed brown bear), Magic (small stuffed husky), and Princessa (1.5ft pink princess bear) I love my animals and the kids know I have a strict hands off policy for them. Which makes them objects of desire of course.
So what do I do with these stuffed animals? Well, they are mine of course, which means when my child is really upset about something, they offer some really great comfort. Because it's something very special to me that I am allowing them to sleep with and snuggle. Like tonight, when poor Thumbelina has lost her new Furreal kitten. She's bawling, but snuggling Princessa keeps her mind off of it for at least tonight. Until I can get to the library tomorrow.
So what do I do with these stuffed animals? Well, they are mine of course, which means when my child is really upset about something, they offer some really great comfort. Because it's something very special to me that I am allowing them to sleep with and snuggle. Like tonight, when poor Thumbelina has lost her new Furreal kitten. She's bawling, but snuggling Princessa keeps her mind off of it for at least tonight. Until I can get to the library tomorrow.
Friday, March 4, 2011
Uh... Exactly What Are You Going To Do With That Chicken?

.83lbs a month comes to a total of 10lbs a year. See my pretty 10lb bag of chicken? (I buy them at Food Lion for $0.57 a pound when on sale. 17 leg quarters. Not bad. Normally I split them up into 3 bags, but Matt froze this one before I could get to it... Anyone in the mood for a cookout?)
So, that bag of chicken equals what I lost. At first, I was laughing at myself that it's all I accomplished, but people kept pointing out that it's better than gaining it. Then one friend told me to go to the market and hold 5lbs of Hamburger in each hand, and realize that's what is gone.
So, 10lbs may not be a huge accomplishment. By no means is it the most wonderful thing in the world, but it's something to smile about. Until the next 10lbs disappears. When you've been doing nothing but gaining for the past 4 years, you take the little things in life.
.83lbs a month comes to a total of 10lbs a year. See my pretty 10lb bag of chicken? (I buy them at Food Lion for $0.57 a pound when on sale. 17 leg quarters. Not bad. Normally I split them up into 3 bags, but Matt froze this one before I could get to it... Anyone in the mood for a cookout?)
So, that bag of chicken equals what I lost. At first, I was laughing at myself that it's all I accomplished, but people kept pointing out that it's better than gaining it. Then one friend told me to go to the market and hold 5lbs of Hamburger in each hand, and realize that's what is gone.
So, 10lbs may not be a huge accomplishment. By no means is it the most wonderful thing in the world, but it's something to smile about. Until the next 10lbs disappears. When you've been doing nothing but gaining for the past 4 years, you take the little things in life.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
No, This Is Not The Photo
I promise. It's coming soon. If I can remember to have Matt take it after Alice and I get home from her hair appointment tonight. This post is about something else.
When I was in high school, I dated this boy. He was my first, well, everything. Until I fell in love with my husband, I don't think I have ever loved any male as much as I loved him. (Yes Matt, I love you more. No doubt there sweetie) This boy used to tell me a quote that he lived by. One that coincidentally (or not) has permeated its way into my life. From that moment, I saw it everywhere.
I didn't get it until I was older however. Why would I let something go if I loved it? Why not hold on to it? How could something I loved have never been mine in the first place?
I'm almost 29 now (34 days), and it makes complete sense to me. To bad I couldn't see it then. The thing is, if you love someone, you want what's best for them. Even if that's not you. As much as that might hurt. So you are willing to open yourself up to the pain, just for that person to be happy. If that's not love, what is?
The hope is that this person realizes that you love them enough to allow that. Allow isn't really the right word. That you will open yourself to that might be better. And by realizing that you are willing to hurt for them to be happy, they will realize you are where they want to be.
Life doesn't always work that way, as we teenage angst driven girls found out. We often wound up with broken hearts. But at 28 years old, I realize that we needed that. To learn. To grow. To find true love.
I hope that boy is happy. And I wish him the best. I thank him for introducing me to that quote. To love. Because if it weren't for him, I wouldn't know love to give my husband, I wouldn't understand how much love my husband has for me. (now, just don't expect Matt to give teenage boy any thanks...)
When I was in high school, I dated this boy. He was my first, well, everything. Until I fell in love with my husband, I don't think I have ever loved any male as much as I loved him. (Yes Matt, I love you more. No doubt there sweetie) This boy used to tell me a quote that he lived by. One that coincidentally (or not) has permeated its way into my life. From that moment, I saw it everywhere.
If you love something, let it go. If it comes back, it's yours. If not, it never was.
I didn't get it until I was older however. Why would I let something go if I loved it? Why not hold on to it? How could something I loved have never been mine in the first place?
I'm almost 29 now (34 days), and it makes complete sense to me. To bad I couldn't see it then. The thing is, if you love someone, you want what's best for them. Even if that's not you. As much as that might hurt. So you are willing to open yourself up to the pain, just for that person to be happy. If that's not love, what is?
The hope is that this person realizes that you love them enough to allow that. Allow isn't really the right word. That you will open yourself to that might be better. And by realizing that you are willing to hurt for them to be happy, they will realize you are where they want to be.
Life doesn't always work that way, as we teenage angst driven girls found out. We often wound up with broken hearts. But at 28 years old, I realize that we needed that. To learn. To grow. To find true love.
I hope that boy is happy. And I wish him the best. I thank him for introducing me to that quote. To love. Because if it weren't for him, I wouldn't know love to give my husband, I wouldn't understand how much love my husband has for me. (now, just don't expect Matt to give teenage boy any thanks...)
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