Monday, January 25, 2010

FML: Seriously. F. M. L.

I was so freaking excited about tonight. It was the final night of my cake class. I made a beautiful layer cake that I was going to decorate for my MIL's birthday tomorrow. I worked well into the night last night to get the base ready.


I was so proud of this effort. My first REAL cake.

I had everything packed up, I was all ready to go, the cake container was secure. I was wearing my magic pants to class tonight, because damn it, I was going to be comfortable. I bounded out of the house, happy and excited.



that last is the picture after DH took off the top layer, which was covered in grass and dirt, thinking he could salvage it. I bawled. And I still don't understand why my cake container, which has never had a single issue, suddenly broke on me tonight, on a night I was the happiest I have been in a while.


Brandie said...

Oh, I am so sorry! That sucks.

Anonymous said...

Oh, girl! That bleedin SUCKS! All that work on the lawn, I would have cried too.

It's Diva, can't log in for whatever reason.

Peaches said...

Thank you guys. I am starting to laugh about it now... And planning my next cake. With the best excuse to buy a new cake carrier!

Joy said...

Aw that really sucks! Maybe God was just listening to you though - in your last post you said you were going to 'destroy' it! lol

Glad you can laugh about it now - you did a great job on the cake, I'm sure the next one will be even better!