Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Authors have real lives too!

I have this author that I love (well numerous authors, but let's focus on this one for a moment). It occurred to me just yesterday that she has a life outside of just entertaining me with her writing. It's very much a selfish thought on my part.

Jennifer Estep is such a great writer. I love her books. I can't even remember the number of times I have read Karma Girl. I have actually finished the book, and then just picked it up to read it again because I didn't want it to end. These books are my own personal book candy.

There are three books in the series as of now. Karma Girl, Hot Mama, and Jinx. The premise of the books are about a town called Bigtime, that has both Super Heroes and Villains. The best and the worst of them all. Karma Girl is about a reporter who unmasks them. And the consequences that follow.

Of course, they are written for us women, so you know that there are romances as well. With hot sexy men who turn me on just reading about them on the pages of her books.

Of course, I am completely off topic now. This was all about how she has her own real life and is not my own personal story teller.

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